
03328.hk - 03328


Domain Name:  03328.HK 

Domain Status: Blackout 

DNSSEC:  unsigned  

Contract Version:   Refer to registrar   

Active variants

Inactive variants

Registrar Name: Chengdu West Dimension Digital Technology Co., Ltd

Registrar Contact Information: Email: domain@west263.com    Phone: 028-86263960


Registrant Contact Information: 

Holder English Name (It should be the same as your legal name on your HKID card or other relevant documents): MA GUAN MING MA GUAN MING
Holder Chinese Name: 马观明
Email: 6235917@qq.com
Domain Name Commencement Date: 04-03-2017
Country: HK
Expiry Date:  04-03-2018  
Re-registration Status:  Complete   
Account Name: HK5167934T

Technical Contact Information: 

Given Name: HUI KANG     
Family name: KANG HUI   
Company Name: HUI KANG    

Name Servers Information: 


Status Information:

Domain Prohibit Status: