

Domain Information:
[Domain Name]                   AA-KEN.JP

[Registrant]                    Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa

[Name Server]                   ns.aa-ken.jp
[Name Server]                   ns4.sphere.ad.jp
[Signing Key]                   

[Created on]                    2001/05/28
[Expires on]                    2020/05/31
[Status]                        Active
[Last Updated]                  2019/06/01 04:52:02 (JST)

Contact Information:
[Name]                          Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa
[Email]                         ilcaa-admin@aa.tufs.ac.jp
[Web Page]                       
[Postal code]                   183-8534
[Postal Address]                3-11-1, Asahi-cho
                                Fuchu-shi, Tokyo
[Phone]                         042-330-5600
[Fax]                           042-330-5610

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