

% NZRS Limited
% Users confirm on submission their agreement to all published Terms
version: 5.00
query_datetime: 2016-06-20T06:13:17+12:00
domain_name: abplus.co.nz
query_status: 210 PendingRelease
domain_dateregistered: 2011-05-05T22:24:07+12:00
domain_datebilleduntil: 2016-05-05T22:24:07+12:00
domain_datelastmodified: 2016-05-06T05:36:21+12:00
domain_datecancelled: 2016-05-06T05:36:21+12:00
domain_delegaterequested: yes
domain_signed: no
registrar_name: Crazy Domains FZ-LLC
registrar_address1: Office 210, Building 11
registrar_city: Dubai lnternet City
registrar_province: Dubai
registrar_postalcode: 500472
registrar_country: AE (UNITED ARAB EMIRATES)
registrar_phone: +971 4 123 9000
registrar_fax: +61 8 9422 0801
registrar_email: help@crazydomains.com
registrant_contact_name: Andy Lin
registrant_contact_address1: 1/10 Ayton Drive Totara Vale
registrant_contact_city: Auckland
registrant_contact_province: Auckland
registrant_contact_postalcode: 0629
registrant_contact_country: NZ (NEW ZEALAND)
registrant_contact_phone: +64  98872071
registrant_contact_email: guolin83930@gmail.com
admin_contact_name: WENXIA WEI
admin_contact_address1: 6/550 Glenfield Road Glenfield
admin_contact_city: Auckland
admin_contact_province: Auckland
admin_contact_postalcode: 0629
admin_contact_country: NZ (NEW ZEALAND)
admin_contact_phone: +64  211029861
admin_contact_email: guolin83930@gmail.com
technical_contact_name: WENXIA WEI
technical_contact_address1: 6/550 Glenfield Road Glenfield
technical_contact_city: Auckland
technical_contact_province: Auckland
technical_contact_postalcode: 0629
technical_contact_country: NZ (NEW ZEALAND)
technical_contact_phone: +64  211029861
technical_contact_email: guolin83930@gmail.com
ns_name_01: ns1873.hostgator.com
ns_name_02: ns1874.hostgator.com
% Users are advised that the following activities are strictly forbidden.
% Using multiple WHOIS queries, or using the output of multiple WHOIS
% queries in conjunction with any other facility or service, to enable
% or effect a download of part or all of the .nz Register.
% Using any information contained in the WHOIS query output to attempt a
% targeted contact campaign with any person, or any organisation, using any
% medium.
% A breach of these conditions will be treated as a breach of the .nz Policies
% and Procedures.  Sanctions in line with those specified in the policies and
% procedures at www.dnc.org.nz may result from any breach.
% Copyright InternetNZ

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