
dab.org.hk - Dab Org

Hoster: Google LLC

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Domain Name:  DAB.ORG.HK 

Domain Status: Active 

DNSSEC:  unsigned  

Contract Version:   HKDNR latest version   

Active variants

Inactive variants

Registrar Name: Hong Kong Domain Name Registration Company Limited

Registrar Contact Information: Email: enquiry@hkdnr.hk Hotline: +852 2319 1313


Registrant Contact Information:

Company English Name (It should be the same as the registered/corporation name on your Business Register Certificate or relevant documents): DEMOCRATIC ALLIANCE FOR BETTERMENT AND PROGRESS OF HONG KONG
Company Chinese name:  民主建港協進聯盟 
Address:  15/F., SUP TOWER,75-83 KING'S RD.,NORTH POINT,     
Country: Hong Kong (HK)
Email:  info@dab.org.hk 
Domain Name Commencement Date: 14-03-1996
Expiry Date: 01-10-2020 
Re-registration Status:  Complete   

Administrative Contact Information:

Given name:  DOMAIN 
Family name:  ADMINISTRATOR 
Company name:  DAB 
Address:  15/F, SUP TOWER, 83 KING&S ROAD, NORTH POINT,     
Country:  Hong Kong (HK) 
Phone:  +852-35821111 
Fax:  +852-35821188 
Email:  info@dab.org.hk 
Account Name:  HK1247545T 

Technical Contact Information:

Given name:  DNS 
Family name:  ADMINISTRATOR 
Company name:  PIHK 
Address:  8/F, KITEC,     
Country:  Hong Kong (HK) 
Phone:  +852-26201880 
Fax:  +852-27198469 
Email:  idcdns@newttidc.com 

Name Servers Information:


Status Information:

Domain Prohibit Status: 

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