Domain Name: MYRADIO.HK
Domain Status: Active
DNSSEC: unsigned
Contract Version: HKDNR latest version
Active variants
Inactive variants
Registrar Name: Hong Kong Domain Name Registration Company Limited
Registrar Contact Information: Email: enquiry@hkdnr.hk Hotline: +852 2319 1313
Registrant Contact Information:
Holder English Name (It should be the same as your legal name on your HKID card or other relevant documents): WONG YUK MAN
Holder Chinese Name:
Email: ymwong.schedule@gmail.com
Domain Name Commencement Date: 12-10-2012
Country: Hong Kong (HK)
Expiry Date: 12-10-2022
Re-registration Status: Complete
Account Name: HK3448154T
Technical Contact Information:
Given Name: WONG
Family name: YUK MAN
Company Name: WONG YUK MAN
Name Servers Information:
Status Information:
Domain Prohibit Status:
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