Whois Server for the KZ top level domain name.
This server is maintained by KazNIC Organization, a ccTLD manager for Kazakhstan Republic.
Domain Name............: e.gov.kz
Organization Using Domain Name
Name...................: Ministry of Digital Development Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the RK
Organization Name......: Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the RK
Street Address.........: Mangilik el 8
City...................: Astana
State..................: 010000
Postal Code............: Astana
Country................: KZ
Administrative Contact/Agent
NIC Handle.............: RegAdmFinMIC
Name...................: Ministry of Digital Development Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the RK
Phone Number...........: +77172741012
Fax Number.............: +77172741012
Email Address..........: mic@mic.gov.kz
Nameserver in listed order
Primary server.........: ns3.nitec.kz
Primary ip address.....:
Secondary server.......: ns4.nitec.kz
Secondary ip address...:
Secondary server.......: ns1.nitec.kz
Secondary ip address...:
Domain created: 2005-12-12 09:09:22 (GMT+0:00)
Last modified : 2017-08-15 10:30:34 (GMT+0:00)
Domain status : ok - Normal state.
Registar created: KAZNIC
Current Registar: NIT.KZ
Latest domains:
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- cascadeathletics.org,
- sultanschools.org,
- jerryedmon.com,
- summitforcivilrights.org,
- dartmouthcentennialcircle.com,
- sasanorth.org.uk,
- scotswimwest.co.uk,
- launch-me.nl,
- catmandu.net.au,
- shopthecity.com.au,
- bikelafayette.org,
- fivestarhi.com,
- mitchellscholars.org,
- subtropical.co.za,
- emeraldgardenservices.eu,
- premiergardens.ie,
- searchfocus.co.uk