simple CO.ZA whois server
The CO.ZA simple whois server
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Your query has generated the following reply:-
Search on gatehousedesign (.co.za)
Match: One
Domain: gatehousedesign.co.za
Accounting info....
Date |Type| Cost |Invoices are E-Mail to....|Paid Date |ICnt| TrkNo |Billing Info
2006-06-02| N | 50.00|imc-tech@mweb.com |2006-09-08| 4 | 592501|Mweb Business
2007-03-03| U | 0.00|dnsbilling@wadns.net |2007-03-03| 0 | 0|Diginet
2007-03-10| U | 0.00|info@hadcom.co.za |2007-03-10| 0 | 0|Hadcom cc
2007-07-02| R | 50.00|info@hadcom.co.za |2007-07-04| 1 | 790163|Hadcom cc
2008-07-02| R | 50.00|info@hadcom.co.za |2008-07-08| 1 | 1007133|Hadcom cc
2009-07-02| R | 50.00|info@hadcom.co.za |2009-07-31| 1 | 1302101|Hadcom cc
2009-08-04| U | 0.00|graham@gatehousedesign.co.za|2009-08-04| 0 | 0|Gatehouse Design
2010-07-01| R | 50.00|graham@gatehousedesign.co.za|2010-07-05| 1 | 1605915|Gatehouse Design
2011-07-01| R | 50.00|graham@gatehousedesign.co.za|2011-08-02| 2 | 1927786|Gatehouse Design
2012-07-02| R | 50.00|graham@gatehousedesign.co.za|2012-10-05| 4 | 2264301|Gatehouse Design
2013-07-01| R | 75.00|graham@gatehousedesign.co.za|2013-08-13| 2 | 2508621|Gatehouse Design
2014-07-01| R | 75.00|graham@gatehousedesign.co.za|2014-07-03| 1 | 2630469|Gatehouse Design
2015-07-01| R | 102.60|graham@gatehousedesign.co.za|2015-07-01| 1 | 2721336|Gatehouse Design
2016-07-02| R | 114.00|graham@gatehousedesign.co.za|2016-08-08| 2 | 2782087|Gatehouse Design
2017-07-03| R | 125.40|graham@gatehousedesign.co.za|2017-07-11| 1 | 2827343|Gatehouse Design
2018-07-02| R | 138.00|graham@gatehousedesign.co.za|2018-07-04| 1 | 2860883|Gatehouse Design
Flashing RED indicates that payment has not been received - please
confirm with the ZACR accounting department, accounts@co.za, should this
not be according to your records. You have been sent 0 invoices/statements.
(Info:- Historical info exists - the oldest or 'original' is last) ...
gatehousedesign <-- The info shown below
0a. lastupdate : 2009/08/04 08:17:37+02
0b. emailsource : graham@gatehousedesign.co.za
0c. emailposted : Mon, 3 Aug 2009 08:12:58 +0200
0d. emailsubject : Domain Update: gatehousedesign.co.za
0g. historycount : 4
0h. invoiceno : 0
0i. contracttype : NEW
0j. rcsversion : $Revision: 1.215 $ $Date: 2009/06/08 12:57:41 $
1a. domain : gatehousedesign.co.za
1b. action : U
1c. Registrar : ZACR
2a. registrant : Gatehouse Design
2b. registrantpostaladdress: 4 Northern Avenue Hillcrest,-, , , --
2c. registrantstreetaddress: 4 Northern Avenue Hillcrest
2d. amount : 0.00
2e. paymenttype : I
2f. billingaccount : Gatehouse Design
2g. billingemail : graham@gatehousedesign.co.za
2i. invoiceaddress : Gatehouse Design 4 Northern Avenue Hillcrest 3601
2j. registrantphone : +27.317656396
2k. registrantfax : +27.317657835
2l. registrantemail : graham@gatehousedesign.co.za
2n. vat : 4550165544
3b. cname :
3c. cnamesub1 :
3d. cnamesub2 :
3e. creationdate : 2006/06/02 15:15:32
4a. admin : Graham Harrison
4b. admintitle : Mr
4c. admincompany : Gatehouse Design
4d. adminpostaladdr : 4 Northern Avenue Hillcrest 3601
4e. adminphone : +27 31 765 6396
4f. adminfax : +27 31 765 7835
4g. adminemail : graham@gatehousedesign.co.za
4h. adminnic :
5a. tec : Harrison, Graham
5b. tectitle : Mr
5c. teccompany : Gatehouse Design
5d. tecpostaladdr : 4 Northern Avenue Hillcrest 3601
5e. tecphone : +27 31 765 6396
5f. tecfax : +27 31 765 7835
5g. tecemail : graham@gatehousedesign.co.za
5h. tecnic :
6a. primnsfqdn : ns1.dns-h.com
6b. primnsip :
6c. primnsipv6 :
6e. secns1fqdn : ns1.host-h.net
6f. secns1ip :
6g. secns1ipv6 :
6i. secns2fqdn : ns2.host-h.net
6j. secns2ip :
6k. secns2ipv6 :
6m. secns3fqdn :
6n. secns3ip :
6o. secns3ipv6 :
6q. secns4fqdn :
6r. secns4ip :
6s. secns4ipv6 :
8a. netblock1start :
8b. netblock1end :
8c. netblock2start :
8d. netblock2end :
8e. netblock3start :
8f. netblock3end :
9a. description1 : Communication specialists
9b. description2 :
9c. description3 :
9d. description4 :
9e. description5 :
9f. description6 :
Next Query - Domain name
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