% New Zealand Domain Name Registry Limited
% Users confirm on submission their agreement to all published Terms
version: 5.00
query_datetime: 2013-03-08T05:23:05+13:00
domain_name: iq-test.net.nz
query_status: 200 Active
domain_dateregistered: 2010-07-24T20:07:05+12:00
domain_datebilleduntil: 2013-07-24T20:07:05+12:00
domain_datelastmodified: 2012-04-30T21:43:51+12:00
domain_delegaterequested: yes
domain_signed: no
registrar_name: Key-Systems GmbH
registrar_address1: Im Oberen Werk 1
registrar_city: St. Ingbert
registrar_postalcode: 66386
registrar_country: DE (GERMANY)
registrar_phone: +49 6894 93 96 850
registrar_fax: +49 6894 93 96 851
registrar_email: info@key-systems.net
registrant_contact_name: Lukasz Lawecki Lukasz Lawecki
registrant_contact_address1: ul. Gedymina 13 m. 12
registrant_contact_city: Warszawa
registrant_contact_postalcode: 04-120
registrant_contact_country: PL (POLAND)
registrant_contact_phone: +48 226122679
registrant_contact_email: morokoro@op.pl
admin_contact_name: Lukasz Lawecki Lukasz Lawecki
admin_contact_address1: ul. Gedymina 13 m. 12
admin_contact_city: Warszawa
admin_contact_postalcode: 04-120
admin_contact_country: PL (POLAND)
admin_contact_phone: +48 226122679
admin_contact_email: morokoro@op.pl
technical_contact_name: AZ.pl Sp. z o.o.
technical_contact_address1: Sosnowa 6a
technical_contact_city: Szczecin
technical_contact_postalcode: 71-468
technical_contact_country: PL (POLAND)
technical_contact_phone: +48 914243780
technical_contact_fax: +48 914243799
technical_contact_email: domena@az.pl
ns_name_01: ns10.az.pl
ns_name_02: ns11.az.pl
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% and Procedures. Sanctions in line with those specified in the policies and
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% Copyright InternetNZ
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