Domain Information:
a. [Domain Name] JIL.GO.JP
g. [Organization] The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training
l. [Organization Type] Independent administrative agency
m. [Administrative Contact] MA3166JP
n. [Technical Contact] MK11268JP
p. [Name Server] jilnet.jil.go.jp
s. [Signing Key]
[State] Connected (2020/05/31)
[Registered Date] 1996/05/31
[Connected Date] 1996/06/07
[Last Update] 2019/06/01 01:07:12 (JST)
Contact Information:
a. [JPNIC Handle] MA3166JP
c. [Last, First] Amase, Mitsuji
d. [E-Mail] amase@jil.go.jp
g. [Organization] The Japan Institute for Labour Policy andTraining
l. [Division] Deputy Director,
Public Relations Department
n. [Title] Head of Section
o. [TEL]
p. [FAX]
y. [Reply Mail] amase@jil.go.jp
[Last Update] 2003/11/07 11:48:47 (JST)
Contact Information:
a. [JPNIC Handle] MK11268JP
c. [Last, First] Kaitani, Masaya
d. [E-Mail] kaitani@jil.go.jp
g. [Organization] The Japan Institute for Labour Policy andTraining
l. [Division] Public Relations Department
n. [Title] Assistant chief of a section
o. [TEL] 03-5903-6253
p. [FAX] 03-5903-6114
y. [Reply Mail] kaitani@jil.go.jp
[Last Update] 2003/11/07 11:50:12 (JST)
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