

Domain Information:
a. [Domain Name]                JST.GO.JP
g. [Organization]               Japan Science and Technology Agency
l. [Organization Type]          Independent Administrative Agency
m. [Administrative Contact]     HO595JP
n. [Technical Contact]          CY4682JP
n. [Technical Contact]          SH32042JP
p. [Name Server]                a1-70.akam.net
p. [Name Server]                a22-67.akam.net
p. [Name Server]                a26-64.akam.net
p. [Name Server]                a3-65.akam.net
p. [Name Server]                a8-66.akam.net
p. [Name Server]                a9-67.akam.net
s. [Signing Key]                52849 8 2 (
                                0C159CE7B26D5A103A89DCA05D4372A6 )
[State]                         Connected (2019/12/31)
[Registered Date]               1996/12/17
[Connected Date]                1997/02/17
[Last Update]                   2019/06/25 16:01:04 (JST)

Contact Information:
a. [JPNIC Handle]               HO595JP
c. [Last, First]                Ohgata, Hideo
d. [E-Mail]                     ohgata@jstnet.gr.jp
g. [Organization]               Japan Science and Technology Agency
l. [Division]                   Department for Information Infrastructure
n. [Title]                      Dupty Manager
o. [TEL]                        03-5214-8421
p. [FAX]                         
y. [Reply Mail]                 reg@jpdirect.jp
[Last Update]                   2019/07/16 07:10:35 (JST)

Contact Information:
a. [JPNIC Handle]               SH32042JP
c. [Last, First]                Hashimoto, Sadayuki
d. [E-Mail]                     shashimo@jst.go.jp
g. [Organization]               Japan Science and Technology Agency
l. [Division]                   Department for Information Infrastructure
n. [Title]                      Chief examiner
o. [TEL]                        03-5214-8421
p. [FAX]                        050-3730-1871
y. [Reply Mail]                 reg@jpdirect.jp
[Last Update]                   2019/06/25 15:59:44 (JST)

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