WHOIS Server 3.1
NOTICE AND TERMS OF USE: Your use of this WHOIS service is subject to
the following terms. If you do not agree to these terms you may not use
this WHOIS service. You may not use the WHOIS service: a) to allow,
enable or otherwise support the transmission of unsolicited communications
to any person, by any means; b) using an automated electronic query
process; or c) to gain bulk access to WHOIS data (ie. other than by
sending individual queries to the database). You acknowledge that the
responsibility of keeping WHOIS data up to date is that of the domain
registrant and the Aust Domains bears no responsibility for the truth
or accuracy of WHOIS data. The contents of the WHOIS database may be
subject to copyright protection. You may not copy, modify or distribute
data obtained from the WHOIS database that is subject to copyright.
This WHOIS service may be withdrawn at any time, or the conditions
of its use changed, without notice to you.
Domain Name.........: kevinmusty.com
Registrar...........: CRAZY DOMAINS FZ-LLC
Whois Server........: whois.syrahost.com
Referral URL........: http://www.crazydomains.com
Name Server.........: ns1.payless4domains.com
Name Server.........: ns2.payless4domains.com
Creation Date.......: 2010-01-23 00:00:00
Expiration Date.....: 2014-01-23 00:00:00
Registrant Details..:
Registrant Name.....: PayLess4Domains Pty Ltd
First Name..........: Kevin
Last Name...........: Musty
Address Line 1......: PO Box 3129
Address Line 2......:
City................: Darra
State...............: QLD
Country.............: AU
Post Code...........: 4076
Phone...............: (+61) 419462029
Fax.................: (+)
Email Address.......: admin@payless4domains.com.au
Admin Contact Details:
First Name..........: Kevin
Last Name...........: Musty
Address Line 1......: PO Box 3129
Address Line 2......:
City................: Darra
State...............: QLD
Country.............: AU
Post Code...........: 4076
Phone...............: (+61) 419462029
Fax.................: (+)
Email Address.......: admin@payless4domains.com.au
Technical Contact Details:
First Name..........: Kevin
Last Name...........: Musty
Address Line 1......: PO Box 3129
Address Line 2......:
City................: Darra
State...............: QLD
Country.............: AU
Post Code...........: 4076
Phone...............: (+61) 419462029
Fax.................: (+)
Email Address.......: admin@payless4domains.com.au
DNS Delegation details:
Name Server 1: ns1.payless4domains.com
Name Server IP 1:
Name Server 2: ns2.payless4domains.com
Name Server IP 2:
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