Welcome to the .WS Whois Server
Use of this service for any purpose other
than determining the availability of a domain
in the .WS TLD to be registered is strictly
Domain Name: PINBUY.WS
Registrant Name: Use registrar whois listed below
Registrant Email: Use registrar whois listed below
Administrative Contact Email: Use registrar whois listed below
Administrative Contact Telephone: Use registrar whois listed below
Registrar Name: PDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com
Registrar Email: tldadmin@logicboxes.com
Registrar Telephone: 832-295-1535
Registrar Whois: whois.publicdomainregistry.com
Domain Created: 2011-01-08
Domain Last Updated: 2013-07-04
Domain Currently Expires: 2014-01-08
Current Nameservers:
Latest domains:
- administraciondejusticia.gob.es,
- postmail.com.cn,
- mogans.jp,
- siemens.com.au,
- bmb-kabeltechnik.de,
- fieberitz.de,
- immobilienmuensterland.de,
- cconnection.org,
- rmt.edu.pk,
- pedalro.kr,
- ekipcollectivites.fr,
- almado.de,
- wizit.fr,
- red-v.kz,
- durchdiestadt.de,
- hannapmc.com.au,
- schlafstoerungen-ursachen.de,
- thecommunication.de,
- artonom.de,
- hotel-stumpf.de