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Welcome to whois.ax, the official whois service for the .ax ccTLD.
Please visit http://www.ax for more information about the .ax registry,
policies and registration application.
Searching for radiotv.ax. Found 2 record(s) matching radiotv.ax.
Domain: (Handle alandsradiotv)
Domain Name: alandsradiotv.ax
Name: ?lands Radio/TV
Organization: 1051815-3
Administrative Contact: Mikael Ahlgren
Email address: elvis.ahlgren@radiotv.ax
Address: PB 140
Address: 22101 MARIEHAMN
Country: AX
Telephone: 26511
Created: Wed Mar 29 2006
Name Server 1: ns.alcom.aland.fi
Name Server 2: ns2.alcom.aland.fi
Name Server 3: ns3.alcom.aland.fi
Domain: (Handle radiotv)
Domain Name: radiotv.ax
Name: ?lands Radio/TV
Organization: 1051815-3
Administrative Contact: Mikael Ahlgren
Email address: elvis.ahlgren@radiotv.ax
Address: PB 140
Address: 22101 MARIEHAMN
Country: AX
Telephone: 26511
Created: Wed Aug 23 2006
Name Server 1: ns.alcom.aland.fi
Name Server 2: ns3.alcom.aland.fi
Name Server 3: ns2.alcom.aland.fi
Service provided by Alands Telekommunikation Ab on behalf of
the Parliament of Aland.
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